Portfolios & planning based on your needs
We are not your ordinary financial firm
We are a group of down to earth people who happen to have decades of expertise in portfolio management, financial planning, and retirement plan construction.
The firm was started in 1999 to work with clients on a fee-basis.
A modern approach
We love technology and embrace all that it can do for us. Our preference is to sit down and chat about your goals and dreams on a regular basis, but if scheduling a face-to-face is tricky, a quick call or Zoom is easy. And all of our portfolios and plans are accessible online and in an easy-to-use app.
But if you come in, we have good coffee and a cute office dog.
How we work
First things first
As your portfolio managers + financial planning team, we are your fiduciaries. That means we put you first. It also means that we don’t charge a commission. We don’t care what investments you choose - we are not incentivized one way or the other. In fact, we are on the same side of the table; we do better when you do better. Our fees are fair and transparent and are often much less than the big named firms with all of the overhead and advertising.
Our fees
We can charge an asset management fee based on the assets that we manage, or a consulting fee based on our scope of work. After we meet and discuss your needs, we will provide you with options on how we can work together. There is no obligation and you are free to choose what works best for you.
Asset management fees are based on the assets that we manage.
Financial planning fees are determined based on complexity.
Typical client
We work with successful individuals, families, organizations, small businesses, associations, and charities. Our smallest client has a few hundred dollars a month being invested for college, while our largest client has tens of millions of dollars in a company retirement plan.
Although we do not strictly enforce a minimum portfolio amount, the average household size is over $1 million. Regardless of the size, we typically advise on or manage the entirety of our clients’ assets.
Ready to chat?
Shoot us a note and we will get you on the calendar.